Well it's been a long time, but the kitchen has found new life. While there are still a few more projects still to do (ex. re-grout the floor, put white decorative faux tin ceiling tiles on the ceiling) we're happy to have at least the painting done.
Here's the Before.....

And here's the AFTER..... (WARNING it's a lot of color, but that's what we wanted for this room)

The wall color is "Safari Tan" by Ralph Lauren, which sadly they don't carry at Home Depot anymore. The kitchen at our last house was this color and I painted my mom's kitchen the same color a few years before that, so you could say I really like this color. The "barn red" is a mixture of leftover paints I had from Lowes and Home Depot. The sink, shelf and an old cabinet (not shown) were painted the "barn red" (the shelf and sink were two different shades of red prior to that). The window has a lace bubble shade, but it's pretty bright so I don't think you can see it in this picture. We'd like to get some more decor for above the cabinets, hence the bare spot in the picture.

A valance was used on the shelf to hide a plethora of cookbooks.

You can see a sneak peak of the laundry room in the back. That is the next room on the list and it's almost done as well.

Love this bread box.

Only started collecting aprons this year. Can't wait to add more. The red, beige and blue one is actually my great-grandmother's bonnet.

We're still looking for more vintage spice tins. We hope to fill the whole thing up :)

Wine rack was a $2 thrift store find. Most things in the kitchen are thrift store finds actually.

Each room in the house seems to have a black cat in it. Inspired by our little kitty, Boo.

These "prints" are taken from a book that was illustrated by the wonderful Tasha Tudor. They are too cute!

"The cat and his housekeeping staff live here." So true! Lol!!!!

My mom had these when I was little. Found these on Ebay and they are very practical as well.

Lovely little matchbox holder. Found on Ebay.

God bless this home!
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