Thursday, July 31, 2008

Aw Marie.....

Fall is right around the corner and since it has a tendency to sneak up on me I decided to plan my Halloween costume early.
Halloween isn't my favorite holiday, but I love dressing up. And this is my excuse.
This year I decided to go as kind of modern Marie Antoinette. I say "modern" so no corset and long gown to trip over around the office.
I'm going to braid my hair in little braids and when I take them out, "poof!".... literally, it will be a giant poof (my hair has a lot of volume). Then I'll arrange it atop my head , stick in some feathers and flowers clips and it's done. Easy and so fun!
Is anyone else dressing up? I'd love to hear costume ideas!


  1. Hi Mo,
    Well if you do dress up you will have to take a picture...I bet you will look Fabulous. I might dress up this year...our office is great about Halloween....that is one of our companys favorite holidays. I'll see what I come up with.
    Mo :-)

  2. OOO! How pretty my shoe matches perfectly!

  3. What a great idea for Halloween! I just recently saw the movie again, and the costumes are just beautiful!


  4. That would be so much fun! Can I copy you? haha I can't believe it's already almost time to think about Halloween again!

  5. Lol! Yes, feel free to dress up as lady Marie too. I recently read somewhere that there has been a rise of Marie Antoinette inspired weddings.Who knew?
    I rented the movie Sunday and I have to say the costume design was indeed amazing. I'm not surprised it's inspiring more than Halloween costumes.
    The pink dress and cream lace trimmed flutter top in the picture are from Forever21 in case anyone was wondering.

  6. I think there are going to be alot of Marie's this year. I can't wait to see your picture. Great idea for the hair too.
