Saturday, August 30, 2008

My Desk Needs a Makeover!!!....

Yikes! My desk at its worse!

I took a short break from working late last night only to step away from my desk and realize that it is in desperate need of a makeover. It's not usually this messy (this is my desk after trying to frantically hurry and finish my stories and pages early so I can take Monday off), but it still lacks any charm.
I was thinking a floor rug, a new chair, less clutter (of course), a small lamp and some romantic touches.
My mom decorated her office in Shabby Chic style and it has become not only an oasis for her, but her coworkers love to visit to de-stress.
I'd love to make my work environment a little nicer. Payday is not until Tuesday, but I decided this weekend this would be my project anyway. I'll try to use things I already have and not spend any money. Sounds like Mission Impossible, but I'm up for the task.
If anybody has any suggestions, please share!
I'll post pictures after I'm finished.


  1. I think that's a great idea. Can't wait to see what you come up with.

    My suggestions??'s tough when it also has to be so functional. I think a really pretty lamp is a must. Do you have room for a candle holder with some bling on it and a really pretty candle?

    What about some white lacy doilies hanging off a shelf??

    If I think of something else I'll come back and post.

  2. For very little $$$ you can have the best shabby desk ever, just invest in a tin of really good white, or off wite paint, and paint and distress everything in sight, from the furniture to the floor if ya want to, pots, pen holder, book covers, waste bin, the cat, the dog, (well not the cat or the dog ) lol, then trawl the house for anything pink and shabby looking, add a few dioleys, some faux roses, (Fresh if you have them) print out a nice uncopyright picture of roses and put in a frame distressed of course and hang up, and If you can sew, search for some rose fabric pillow cases, hankies, anything pink, white green and shabby looking , and make a few scatter cushions, add a few drops of fairy dust, a couple of sprinkles of love and a dash of bling, and there you have it , instant shabby, for the cost of a tin of white paint. Cheers Debra.

  3. Hi Mo,
    I did my office space very girly. It was really fun. You have to be happy where you work all day. I took some pictures a few weeks ago of my space. I will dig them up and put them on my blog....I just used things from home and it didn't cost me anything. I love being there now. It is so different from how I have my home decorated. I think that is whay I like it. Something different but cozy and very girly.
    I'm glad you liked my Rose Cottage print. I just love that print and wanted to share it with everyone. I like changing things around on my blog. In a few months it will be something different.
    I love the banner you made me. I printed it and framed it. I have it on my desk at home. That is very dear to me.
    Will visit again soon.
    Mo :-)

  4. So many great ideas! I decided to stay with the Parisian black and tan theme I had started, but never completed. I wish I could paint the desk, but it's company property. When I get to work tomorrow I will take pictures.It's amazing how a little decor goes a long way. Thanks again everyone who commented!

  5. Hi Mo! Can't wait to see what you come up with! oh, and by the way, the House in the Roses is having a Window Party this Friday, and wish you could participate.... only thing you need to do is show us your favorite window of your home.... it promises to be fun! come see!

