Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Spot of Tea.....

My mom and I browsed a local shop called 'When Pigs Fly' this morning, which is located in a storybook house that I am in love with. I admit, if I could, I would love to open a shop there someday. *Sigh* Anyway, I found a lovely tea cup and saucer (the big one above) and gladly took it home. It reminded me that the Exeter Garden Club Spring tea is coming up in April and I should refresh my tea knowledge. So, I thought I'd share some tidbits.

*All teas should be brewed to taste. Most blends should be steeped for at least 3 minutes but no longer than 5.

*To keep tea hot longer, warm the pot with very hot water, then empty out before brewing the tea.

*Christmas Teas are typically flavored with warm spices including tangy lemon peels, fruity orange peels, cinnamon and cloves. These warm and spicy teas are best enjoyed without milk, although adding honey can enhance the taste.

The following is from

*Freshness is essential. Tea's enemies are light, heat, strong odors, and moisture. For the best tea, buy smaller quantities more often. Store tea in a tight-sealing, opaque container. Green teas can be refrigerated.

*Use fresh filtered or bottled water. While your kettle heats, warm your teapot and cups with hot water. Water temperature is important. Use boiling water (212° F) for black teas and water at 180°-195° F for oolongs. White and green teas are delicate and are best made with water at 170°-180° F.

*Measure the quantity of tea by weight rather than volume. This is more accurate Because of the differences among tea leaves, Use 4-5 grams of tea to 8 ounces of water. Without a scale, you'll have to experiment a little until you get the "feel." Look at the leaf - if it is small and dense (like most blacks and greens) use a level teaspoon; if it is large and wiry (like oolongs and whites) use two teaspoons. Measure tea directly into the pot or a roomy infuser.

*Brewing time varies according to tea type. Generally, the smaller the leaf, the shorter the brewing time. Try steeping green teas 3-5 minutes, black teas 3-4 minutes, white teas 5 minutes and oolongs 6-7 minutes. Swirl the pot before pouring. Pour off the tea or remove the leaves to prevent oversteeping and bitterness


  1. Mo, the tea info you provided is very useful...certainly things I never realized about tea. Thanks for enlightening me. I love your blog of Life at Rose Cottage!
    Love, Mom

  2. Aw, thanks mom! I'm sure it won't be too long before I'm over there to share a cup. I didn't know any of that stuff either. Thanks for visiting, I think you need a blog too. Love you!

  3. Sounds good! Is this the recipe you wanted for Cottage Magpie? You linked to your homepage instead of a specific page.

    You have a lovely blog:)

