Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pink Week! (Day Five).....

For today I thought I'd look through "rose colored glasses" at some of my favorite cottage decor pictures. I have to say many rooms look better pink.


Anonymous said...

How clever! You have a lovely home. Happy Pink Saturday.

All the best, Lana

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Third pic for top is my fav. I could stay in that bedroom all day!

♥Mimi♥ said...

I'll take two of the bottom photo, please! What a clever idea!

Sarah Bella's said...

Beautiful home. I love the decor. Happy pink day.
God bless you, Sarah

Angie said...

Ohhh, that iron bed! Yummy! I love the damask wallpaper, too! Happy Pink Saturday!

RobinfromCA said...

Everything is coming up roses at your place! All the rooms just glow when washed in pink.

Stephanie said...

Is this the same as seeing the world through rose colored glasses? Everything is better in PINK!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Cottage Rose said...

Oh so Divine; Happy Pink Saturday.

Now where can I get some Rose colored glasses.....


Anonymous said...

NICELY done!! I like your take on the day!

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

So pretty....I know what you mean about the color Pink in a room it is so soft and Romantic...I love your pictures...
Mo :-)

a Pocket Angel said...

Oh what gorgeous pink rooms! I love them all..
Blessings ~Mary~ :-}

The Muse said...

Sorry I'm so late in posting my has taken me on a few travels as of late...but now that I am able, I certainly wanted to "visit".

Our cottage, The Painted Nest is not abundant in PINK (gasp, I know, LOL) nonetheless the fun continues, as I participated in this past Sat. Pink Posting... :)

Happy to be here tonight and say that I AM IN LOVE with that KITCHEN!

~ ~ Ahrisha ~ ~ said...

Pink, Pink, Pink! Doesn't it just make you tingle when you say it three times fast & with feeling?!

Lovely Pictures. Used to be you could purchase pink light bulbs. I've been considering that lately. Must go to Home Depot & Lowes and take a look around.

emily said...

I like the rooms better in all pink!! :) Love the bling wreath in your previous posts!!

Tracy said...

Why is it that everything always looks better in pink? Strange phenomenon! Beautiful pics.. keep em' coming!