Monday, May 4, 2009

Garden Walk (Part One).....

The Exeter Chamber of Commerce is holding their annual Garden Walk this Saturday. It will feature seven lovely local gardens. I was able to go early to do the preview for the paper and get a sneak peak at the gardens. I will be posting the gardens in the next few posts. The garden below is Russell and Carol Brandt's. It is so sweet and features cottage garden flowers and bunny decor. Very cute! Hope you enjoy! (click on an image to see it larger)


Stephenie said...

Your garden is just gorgeous...I love all the beautiful colors. I also just adore that water fountain...What a pretty post and your pictures look amazing..

Shaam said...

What nice gardens! I'd love to incorporate some of the ideas in my own.

All the best,

joyh82 said...

What a beautiful garden you have. Love the birdbath and houses.