Saturday, September 25, 2010

Splish splash.....

I don't know about you, but I've had quite a week. Between work, school, visiting relatives, and house projects, I've found myself needing some "r & r" even if time doesn't exactly allow for it. Nothing like a nice soak in the tub, accompanied by some old tunes, a good book or magazine and maybe a glass of wine. It's amazing what even 15-20 minutes in there will do. So grab your favorite bubble bath and go for a soak. Until then, enjoy these lovely pics! Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! :)


  1. Oh my, don't these all look just HEAVENLY?!

    I have just discovered this blog and added it to my blogroll ... and I am very picky ;-).

    Laurie AE
    Buttercup Bungalow

  2. Aw, well thank you Laurie! I will add you to mine as well. Thanks for visiting! :)

  3. I enjoyed my visit here!

    Enjoy your weekend,

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