Thursday, October 2, 2008

Twice as Nice.....

First off, I'm sorry I'm neglecting my posts and behind on so many things. I will catch up. It's been a chore to find time to relax lately, but once in a while I take a deep breathe and appreciate the lull.
I took a long lunch today and ventured to Good Goods with my mom and sister. It's amazing! I picked up some faux miniature pink roses in a pot, lavender sprigs, the new issue of Romantic Homes and some Halloween decor for only $18 total. Not too shabby.

I'll copy the article I wrote last year about them and then upload the pics I took today.

There's a bunch of pics. Click on the small thumb nails for a closer look.

The Garden House

The Barn

The House

By Mo Montgomery

Sun-Gazette Newspaper

Thousands of visitors a year fill the makeshift parking lot in between two Victorian homes, a large barn and a garden shed on the outskirts of Farmersville. Not bad for a business that doesn’t have a sign out front, a website and relies primarily on word of mouth from other local shops and customers. But once you step inside one of the three buildings that make up Good Goods, you get it; this is not your average antique shop.

A lovely Victorian house stands filled with antique treasures and nostalgic elements from years past. Holiday items are stung everywhere as the sounds of Bing Crosby singing sweet holiday melodies fill the air. A large barn has everything you can imagine to grow your garden and turn your house into a home. And the ‘garden shed’ brings shabby chic to a new level with its beautiful décor and white furniture. The essence of old fashioned living and beauty can be seen in every room. Even the price tags are still hand printed and your purchases will mostly likely be rung up by one of the owners.

Owners Jim and Sandy Hall are no strangers to the antique and specialty gift business. They’ve been involved in some, way, shape or form for over 37 years. They came from southern California to the area 34 years ago building their business, literally from the ground up. Every building including their home has been relocated and restored over the years.

A big vintage barn, a three story tank house and a bunk house are now filled with antiques, white furniture, industrial furniture, gorgeous flower arrangements, holiday gift items and garden décor.

The 4,000 square foot barn, originally from Goshen was disassembled piece by piece and moved 10 miles to its present location. The barn itself is rather unique as it is one of the few barns in California with the original advertising on the side.

The large Victorian house was moved from Ivanhoe and was owned by local pioneer, John Chatton.

Good Goods officially opened for business 15 years ago. And has become a local favorite ever since.

“We have a number of people in Exeter who have our flyers and direct people here,” said Sandy.

They have also received the attention of non-locals as well. The shop has been featured in such publications as Romantic Homes and Sunset Magazine. And is no stranger to visitors from all over the county who heard about Good Goods by word of mouth, on the internet or with the help of a flyer..

Looking for a unique holiday gift or more décor to deck the halls with? Good Goods is the place to find it. And while Good Goods may seem like a labor of love for Sandy and Jim, that’s only because, it is.

“I think I’m really blessed. Sometimes I take all of this for granted, but then I sit for a moment and remember how much I love old things,” said Sandy.

Good Goods is open daily from 12- 5 p.m. except for major holidays. From Exeter, California take Hwy 65 to Highway 198. Turn right on Road 182 and travel north to Avenue 304. Turn left (west) to go to Road 168. Turn right. Look for a purple and cream Victorian home on your right with the address 30924 Road 168.


  1. I am behind also on my blogging. I will have to come back later and look at your pics closer. I can't wait !

  2. Hi Mo,
    I have missed you....Loved this post very interesting.....Loved the pictures...
    Mo :-)

  3. Oh, I see lots of things I would love to purchase if I was there. Thank you for all the eye candy photos, you are a great writer too.

  4. Hi Mo,
    I was so glad you came to visit....I know what you mean by being busy.....I think this time of year things just catuch up with us.....glad you are doing well....and I have missed you....
    Mo :-)

  5. What beautiful pictures! I wish I had one of those stores by me, since you found good deals!

  6. WOW what utterly yummy pictures!! Such inspiration that's for sure!! Loved looking at them thanks so much for sharing them!!

  7. Such a beautiful shop. I remember seeing them featured in a magazine a while back. Looks like they have a ton of cast iron pieces.

  8. Hey there!
    Im closing my blog to invited readers only would love to invite you can you plse send me an email at or leave a pop past my blog and leave your email so I can get your email and send you an invite.
    Thanks mandii

  9. Hey Mo. Love the beautiful photos, so many wonderful things to gaze upon. I also really liked the article you wrote about the wonderful owners and their story.


  10. Beautiful. I'm SHOULD be doing laundry, but your blog is WAY too much fun!
