Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh Dear.....

Where have you been?!

Who me?

Yes, of course you!

Yes sadly througouth this long drought of blogging I have been here, at work or at home, through election coverage and preparing for the numerous special holiday publications the paper likes to put out.
Halloween flew by. I was Snow White, because I ate too much candy prior to Halloween to fit into my Marie Antoinette costume. Though ironically I had an allergic reaction to a very tart apple and my mouth became swollen Halloween morning. Snow White eating a bad apple, it was very ironic. And they were Disney apples too. Hmmm....

A few days before Halloween a small black kitten decided to follow me home. She approved of our home and decided that she would live here too. We named her Boo! She is full of spirit and such a cuddlebug. Snoop has gotten use to her and Joey is enamored. I will soon have to break it to him that she's not interested.

I am already in the Christmas spirit. I started decorating in the bedroom and will hopefully post pictures sometime this weekend. I love the holiday season. Thanksgiving is my favorite, but this year I think I will enjoy Christmas more than ever.

I hope everyone is well and not stressing too much already about the holidays. I can't wait to see all the lovely holiday posts.


  1. You look adorable...what a great costume...and I love your little kitty...soooo cute and I love the name glad you are back blogging again....
    Mo :-)

  2. Looooooooove it!!!!!! Everything looks gorgeous!! Are the "Noel" & "Season Greetings" from Walmart? :)
    Lucky kitty to find you!!!!! She looks precious!!!

    M ^..^

  3. O.C. cottage- I apologize for not knowing your real name. The Noel is actually from Dollar Tree and the Season's Greetings is from Good Goods, which is a cute shop near here. But if they have this kind of stuff at Walmart then I should head there right now.

  4. Oh my gosh - your BOO is soooooo handsome!! I'm so glad he found a good home with you!... Donna
