Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Kitchen Inspiration....

This.... is not our kitchen.
If it was, it would mean all the painting we needed to do was already done. The color is similar, so I am happy to view this picture and imagine what our kitchen will look like upon completion. A little motivation never hurt anyone. Now where's that ladder?.......


  1. You can do it!! just get the paint brush out and go for it!! (this is what I say to myself every weekend to try and finish all the started painting jobs around our house...)

  2. This weekend it's on! I'm going to paint till my lil' heart is content. Actually, just until the kitchen is done.
    You can do it too J! They have square paint edgers that you can put on an extension that help finish the job. Order some pizza, crank some great tuneage and have a painting party!

  3. I hope you'll post pics of your actual kitchen when it's done, I'd love to see!
